Monday, March 1, 2010

Dream on the wave

Maybe you have wondered where this title comes from or what does it mean.
Our most famous citizen on the island was the writer Alexandros Papadiamantis. He lived around the turn of the last century and is most famous for his wonderfully written short stories.

I have to admit here that although my Greek is quite good, I am not fluent enough to be able to read and enjoy books written in the old official language "Katharevousa". This was the language used in those days and also used by Papadiamantis. I have tried over the years to read some of his most well known books but found it extremely hard. He is famous for the beautiful descriptions and seemingly simple stories of daily life but with a lot of meaning.
One of his short stories is called: "Oneiro sto kyma" which translates into "Dream on the wave".

It is a very tenderly written story about a goat-shepherd and his encounter with a local girl swimming naked in the sea in the moonlight, that he saves from drowning. (to make a short story very, very short).
Last Saturday we had the chance to hear it read out to us by performer Dimitris Daktilas. Together with one musician and one singer with a fantastic voice he took us back in time and made this story come to life.

I found that by hearing the story I was able to understand and appreciate it so much better.
It was a special experience.

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