Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It was great!

The day of the party arrived and we were very lucky. The sun was shining, all the snow had melted and it wasn't very cold. My dear husband had offered us the use of the taverna and of course this is a summer beachtaverna so not very easy to heat up with only two gasbottle-heaters and plastic windows.

We were very worried we wouldn't be able to sell all our tickets. After all, these are difficult times and  fundraising for a volunteer recycling project is not on the priority list when you have to be very careful with your budget.
 But I am so happy to say that our project is so well received and many, many people wanted to attend to give their support. So many that we had to say no to quite a few people who wanted to attend but there simply were no more chairs.
There was good food, plenty of wine, fantastic music, a bingo game and lots of dancing.

A real greek night! And here are the pictures:

Some more plastic bottle decorations
Lucky for us (and our guests) some of our husbands stepped in and helped

in the kitchen

many hands make light work

A full house

Everybody had a good time

A lot of dancing

also in the kitchen



Ariadne said...

I am so glad everything went great! I hope we will talk about it in person too! I love those plastic flowers! I wonder how they are made; you will have to show me!

Lisa said...

Wow looks like everone had a great time!