I found out about TED quite a few years ago and have been a great fan ever since. And whenever I watched one of the many video's available on internet, I wished I could be in the audience following such inspired talks live. I never imagined it would happen one day!
Not so long ago, the TEDx events started, independantly organized events taking place around the world based on the TED "ideas worth spreading" idea. I still didn't think it would happen anywhere near where I live.
Than the first event took place in Thessaloniki last year. 4 speakers on a day in May. Unfortunately totally impossible for me to visit since this would mean at least three days away from my island. I work full time from May to October, without a day of.
And then this year... the event was planned for April 2nd. Work hasn't started yet and my son is now studying in Thessaloniki.
Timing couldn't be more perfect.
And so yesterday I had the day of my life. And I wasn't the only one. For 7 hours the whole audience in the beautiful theatre Olympion was captivated, fascinated and inspired by 13 speakers and two performances. The room was filled with positive energy that you could actually feel.
I dare to say it was a life-changing experience that I am grateful for.
I will join you next year!AriadnefromGreece!
You won't regret it! O, and don't forget the muffin recipe.
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