Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Green Fox birthday party

Last saturday we celebrated the 2nd birthday of our Green Fox. A celebration in Greek style with lots of food, wine and dancing to the live music. We had a busy time preparing, that was one of the reasons I had disappeared again from blogland, but it was worth all the work and effort.

We managed to raise some well needed cash for our project. Thanks to all the volunteers and other friends of the Green Fox who helped us in organizing this special night.

A beautiful birthdaycake made by one of our members.

The first band that came and played for us: "Groom Therapy"

The second and more traditional band with an amazing bouzouki!


After all the guests left, we had our own little "after"party with of course : dancing on the table!

Happy birthday Green Fox and many more years of plastic bottle collecting!


Ariadne said...

Happy birthday and many happy returns! I wish you lots of fun and courage and strength to your efforts! The cake looks amazing!AriadnefromGreece!

Anonymous said...

greek γλέντι!
happy birthday to the green fox!