Friday, March 25, 2011

Independance Day

Today is Independance Day, a major celebration where Greece commemorates the war of independance and celebrates freedom after 400 years of Turkish regime.
In the morning there was the traditional school parade. My youngest son took part for the last time, since he is in his last year of school. He was very proud to carry the original sword that was used by Markos Botsaris, one of the heroes of the independance war of 1821. I took a very nice picture of him, the sword and the great great great granddaughter of Markos Botsaris, but will not be able to show it here because then revolution will start in my own house.

It wouldn't be a special day if it didn't have a special dish and for Independance Day that dish is salted cod and garlic sauce or "skordalia". Don't ask me why. I have no idea where it came from but we did enjoy it today together with the nice spring sunshine


dutch sisters said...

Looks like a great day with good food!

Chrissie en Heidi said...

Wow, wat leuk! Ben nu stiekem natuurlijk wel heel nieuwsgierig naar de foto van zoonlief :-).
W.b. de blikkrukjes....jaaa, jullie hebben natuurlijk massa's van die blikken! Geweldig! Zat pas al met een vriendin te fantaseren dat we ze zelf gingen maken, maar concludeerden dat we na een vakantie in Griekenland niet al te veel blikken in onze koffer zouden kunnen krijgen :-).

Fijn weekend!

Ariadne said...

And the sunshine helped to have a wonderful day,right?How come the sword of Marcos Mpotsaris was there?AriadnefromGreece!

Dream on the wave said...!/album.php?id=100000448366100&aid=50423
Ik weet niet of dit werkt, maar hier staan mooie foto;s waaronder ook een van mijn zoon met zwaard.Groetjes, Frieda

Dream on the wave said...

One of the direct descendants of Markos Botsaris, also called Markos Botsaris lived on thiis island. He had a antique shop on Skiathos and in Athens. He passed away a few years ago. His widow, Andrea and their 3 daughters live here. And the swords are in her possesion.