Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Sweet Lord

This song is high on my list of all time favorites and has been in my head since early this morning. It came to my mind when we were following the procession and singing the traditional Epitaph "Ω Γλυκύ μου εαρ": my Sweet Lord.
In most of Greece this procession takes place at 10 o'clock on Friday night but on our island it is at 4 o'clock in the morning. It is always an impressive sight. Hundreds of people with lit candles following the beautifully decorated coffin of Christ and singing.

Whether you are religious or not, it must have an impact on you. And it made me think. How religion can be so important for many people and how many find comfort and peace of mind through religion.
And then this morning I read the post of my blogger-friend rawqueen on her blog Somethingblu about how they have a different tradition on her island and that made me think a whole lot more.

And whilst I am in the middle of preparing our feastmeal for tonight -of which I shall spare you the details because it involves cutting up lamb intestines amongst others- I felt I just had to sit down and share my wish, or prayer if you like, with you:

May every person have the freedom to choose to believe what he wants and the wisdom to respect everyone elses choice.


Anonymous said...

Amen ..and Happy Easter, Frieda. My Sweet Lord is one of my all time favorites as well.

rawqueen said...

Blessings Frieda! Thank you for the lovely post, I am sure it is quite a sight indeed. I would love to see it someday. I am not sure that I have shared with you how absolutely in love I am w/ islands out your way. I have been to Greece, only once, and very young. It made quite an impression on me. And I hope to see it again (Mondo, etc).

Give thanks too for sharing my blog. This happened to me twice today and was completely unexpected. Total Mondo.

I posted a follow up to the good friday post that you may have already seen. I found it ironic. Hope you are having a wonderful day, night, etc...
One love, many blessings,

Eva said...

Religion is something very important for human piece of mind, personally, and for the welfare of humans, socially. Just recently, there has been so much suspicion against religion in general which I think is a big mistake. Some people blame Islam for brutality and the catholic church for child abuse. But the fault is not in the religion! On the contrary: Religions remind us to be good and fair, not to kill, steal or cheat. Without this, things might be worse. And a lot of joy would be missing.