Monday, March 25, 2013

Independance day

Today is Independance day which is traditionally celebrated with a parade. 

And as is tradition there is also a special dish for this day: fried salted cod with garlic sauce which we enjoyed for lunch.

I also learned something new today. Another one of the many superstitious "advices" of my mother in law:
"On this day you must never bring anything green in the house. If you do, your house will fill with ants in the summer".
Her list of advices is long, very long. They are very old and most of them are also very peculiar. But I love her and take the advices with a pinch of salt. Maybe I shall write a post about some of the advices, I am sure they will make you smile.

Are you superstitious about something?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Playing with fire

Such a glorious day today with a lot of sun and finally a smell of spring in the air. I spent all day working in the garden and cleared up lots of woodcuttings that had been drying for a while. I don't usually light a bonfire on the beach but there was so much, it would be impossible to dispose it in another way. It wasn't even so easy to get a good fire going but eventually it started burning and took care of all the old cuttings.

It looks a bit messy, but  after everything was burnt I cleaned it up nicely.

Daisies are enjoying the sun too

And to top of a perfect day, I had my first swim this year. The watertemperature was 16 degrees, not too cold.

That was more than enough exercise for one day so now I shall put my feet up, have a nice herbal tea and relax.

How was your Sunday?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Clean Monday"

Yesterday was the traditional "Clean Monday", the end of the carnivalperiod and the beginning of the fasting period before Easter.

Kite flying and special dishes mark this day.

On our festive table were amongst others the following dishes:


Sea urchins

Fouskes (I am not sure of the english name of this seafruit)

Enjoyed with some tsipouro
Unfortunately the weather was not very springlike.
And I am so much looking forward to spring. The best time of the year for me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Once again the Green Fox

At the risk of getting boring about this subject, but it is something I am very passionate about, I just want to share the brandnew campaign we just launched. It is all about getting a truck for our Foxes to be able to collect all those bottle the coming summer season. 

The old car was donated to us and served us well but sadly is beyond repair and has been laid to rest.

With this campaign we hope to collect the necessary cash for another truck. My (blog) friend Ariadne was the first to pledge a great donation and I want to thank her so much for this!

I just returned from another visit to my boys in Thessaloniki and had the opportunity again to spend some lovely time with Ariadne. At he moment I am with my friend Alexandra in Volos and probably returning home tomorrow.